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1116 New Dallas Hwy
Waco, TX, 76705
11 AM to 6 PM Wednesday through Friday
10 AM to 5 PM Saturday
Additional times or classes by appointment.
Our Story
We are a family business that is working to help your brewing hobby grow and develop. Come in and learn to brew for yourself!
We started this store in 2017 to provide the Waco, Texas area with a shop for supplies for the homebrewing enthusiast. We expanded to incorporate coffee, tea, soda, and training for beginning brewers. We like to say "Our Hobby is helping your Hobby!".
Our Family is Glen, Isabella, and Garrett - brewers and coffee roasters
Margarita and Carol - Tea and brewing aficionados! C'mon in and meet us!
About Us:
We have open classes on an appointment basis, generally on Saturdays. You can schedule a time to come in and learn to make any beverage we make. We can even experiment with a new recipe of your choosing. We start anywhere between 10am and 12 noon. We will be done brewing at 5pm. If you want to keep what you helped make that day, anything you walk out with, you pay for, and on that brew day. If you just want the experience, come in and work with us to make beer. If you want to keep the beer, we will help you make it and you pay for what you used. Basically we show people how to use one of our brewing appliances for a one time fee. If you need help bottling, schedule another Saturday and bring the fermented product in and we can help with that as well. We are flexible and want to help others learn to do this hobby.